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October 29 - November 1, 2020


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Welcome to the Virtual Three to Get Married Weekend! 

(Please log in 10-15 minutes prior to the start of each day)

Remember to Change Your Clocks

Fall Back 419641572

We change to Daylight Standard Time at 2 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 1

Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday, Oct. 31.

Schedule for the Weekend 
(Please Note: Times are Eastern Daylight Time, Thursday-Saturday, until Sunday, Nov 1 when Eastern Standard Time resumes.)

Thursday night  
6:45pm Log in to ZOOM
7:00  Introduction to the Weekend 
7:30-8:30 Talk 1: Communication & Respect: How to Do More than Just Talk the Talk
8:30-8:45 Discuss Questionnaire
8:45-9:30 Talk 2:  Boundaries That Protect Your Marriage
9:30-9:45 Discuss Questionnaire
Friday night    
7:00-7:45 pm

Talk 3: Your Family of Origin

7:45-8:30 Discuss Questionnaire
8:30-9:15 Talk 4:    Preparing to Be a Parent  
9:15-9:30 Discuss Questionnaire

9:00-9:45 am

Talk 5: The Temperament God Gave You
9:45-10:15 Discuss  Questionnaire  
10:15-11:00   Talk 6: Modern Myths about  Marriage & Money
11:00-11:30 Discuss  Questionnaire  
11:30-12:15 pm  Talk 7: Conscience Issues and Married Love  

Lunch Break~

Use this time to also discuss the Questionnaire that follows the Conscience talk and to review other supplemental information provided.
1:30-2:30 pm  Talk 8: Marriage & Intimacy 
2:30-3:00  Discuss Questionnaire  
3:00-4:00  Talk 9: Introduction to Natural Family Planning
4:00-4:15 Break
4:15-5:00 Talk 10:  Giving & Receiving Love in Your Marriage
5:00-5:15 Discuss Questionnaire  

***Remember to change your clocks before you go to bed!***

Sunday: A Day of Reflection  

9:00-9:45 AM  Talk 11: Marriage: In the Beginning...  

 Discuss Questionnaire  


Talk 12: The True Meaning of Love

11:15-11:45 Discuss Questionnaire 
11:45-12:30 Talk 13: Marriage and The Eucharist

Lunch Break and Discuss Questionnaire

{We hope you will join us In-Person for the rest of the afternoon!}

1:45-2:20 Talk 14: The Sacramentality of Marriage 
2:20-2:45 Discuss Questionnaire 
2:45-3:15 Talk 15: Parish Engagement Talk

Sunday Mass  (In-Person Only)

4:15-4:30 Wrap-Up and Farewell

Confessions at the Retreat Center. See below for more information.


Here are the ZOOM Links for each day of the Retreat:

  • Thursday


  • Friday


  • Saturday


  • Sunday
    • Zoom Meeting ID: 852 0351 2841
    • password:  3TGM1
    •  Sunday's Link


Pre-Retreat Technical Orientation Video -------------->

In the side bar of this page you will find the Pre-Retreat Technical Orientation Video. Please plan to watch this short video to introduce youself to the Zoom platform prior to the beginning of the retreat.

If you DO NOT already have ZOOM on your computer...

You will need to download it to attend the retreat remotely. Please follow the link below to download Zoom Client for Meetings. This version is completely free.


Troubleshooting ZOOM on various devices.

Here are links to some other videos to help troubleshoot problems and questions related to different devices.

  • "How to Join Zoom Video Conference Using Your Phone" Click here
  • "Using Zoom on Your iPhone or iPad" Click here 

Should you have any questions or issues with the Zoom process or links
please contact the Tech Manager via phone call or text. See the side bar to the right for contact information.

Materials for the Weekend

A Note About the Questionnaires

In addition to other supplement material, below you will find questionnaires related to  each of the talks. Please use these as an opportunity to reflect on your relationship and your future marriage. Find a quiet corner or go outside to discuss with your future spouse how the topic relates to and impacts you as a couple. Please take advantage of these moments of conversation dedicated to each other. We hope that you will resist the temptation to say “We’ll talk about this later”…  Talk about it now!


Materials to Download:

You may choose to view the docments below on your screen or print them out. Links in red are documents that we suggest you print out to make them more beneficial to your discussions.

A critical aspect of our program is the time you will spend in conversation with your fiancé talking about the different topics that we will present to you and sharing with each other your responses to the questionnaires that we have provided above. 

We realize that everyone is in a different situation during this time of isolation and lockdown. If you are both able to attend from the same location, then you will be able to have these conversations face to face.

But, if you and your fiancé are isolated in separate locations during this time, it’s important to find the ability to talk to each other during the questionnaire times. We are sure you have a preferred platform for communicating with each other. Please make sure that you have open lines of communication to make the most of this time.

These conversations are the building blocks for your marriage. Please be open and honest with each other.

Tips for finding quiet:

  • Create a spot in your home where you can be away from any other activity. Here are some ideas for Creating a Prayer Corner in your home.
  • Discuss with other family members or roomates your desire to spend this quiet time. 
  • Plan your mealtimes to allow you to continue your reflection and discussion time. Make something ahead of time, or make the task of preparing the meal a prayer itself. 

Technical preparations

  • If you don't have ZOOM installed on your computer, download the app and try to familiarize yourself with the controls.
  • Watch the Pre-Retreat Technical Orientation Video.


See the section below "Celebrating Sunday Mass at Home!" for suggestions to help you prepare for Mass on Sunday.

Local Christian Counseling Organizations

  • Fountain of Life, LLC, Falls Church, VA
  • IPS Counseling Center, Sterling, VA

  • Alpha Omega Clinic

    • Phone: 301-767-1733

    • Website:

    • Locations

      • Bethesda, Maryland

      • Ellicott City, Maryland

      • Fairfax,Virginia

  • Vital Sources, Frederick, MD
    Christian mental health professionals serving Frederick, Maryland and the surrounding communities.

A national referral base of qualified Catholic therapists.

Local Instructors:
find local providers of each method on the national websites.

Spouses Prayer Front 1


Spouses Prayer Card 2


Please Note: Sunday Mass In-Person Only

We WILL NOT be livestreaming the closing mass.

To better serve your sacramental needs this weekend, the closing mass will only be offered in-person. We invite you to join us at the Retreat Center on Sunday afternoon for the last two talks and celebration of the mass; there will also be opportunities for confession.

If you cannot join us, we promise to end the day early enough so that you can make it to mass at a local parish. Below is a list of some local parishes with 5pm or later masses.

MP 1: Celebrating Sunday Mass

We WILL NOT be livestreaming the closing mass

To better serve your sacramental needs this weekend, the closing mass will only be offered in-person. We invite you to join us at the Retreat Center on Sunday afternoon for last two talks and celebration of the mass; there will also be opportunities for confession.

Please arrive by 1:30 pm to allow for our staff to greet you and escort you to your seats.

Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center is located at:

7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817

If you cannot join us, we promise to end the day early enough so that you can make it to mass at a local parish. Below is a list of some local parishes with 5pm or later masses. 

Local Parishes with Masses, 5pm or Later

  • Maryland

    • 5:00 PM Masses

      • Our Lady of Mercy, 9200 Kentsdale Drive, Potomac, MD, 20854

      • St. Jane Frances de Chantal, 9701 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD, 20814

      • St. Mary (Rockville), 520 Veirs Mill Road Rockville, MD, 20852

      • Mother Seton Parish, 19951 Father Hurley Boulevard, Germantown, MD, 20874

    • 8:00 pm Sunday

      • St. Bartholomew, 902 River Road, Bethesda, MD, 20817


  • Virginia

    • 5:00 PM Masses

      • Saint Theresa Catholic Church, 21371 St. Theresa Lane, Ashburn, VA 20147


  • DC

    •  5:30pm Sunday

      • Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, 1725 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20036


Find additional masses, worldwide, at!

Masstimesorg Logo


While we await the lifting of restrictions to celebrate public masses in Montgomery County, MD, we will plan to live-stream Sunday's Mass acccording the schedule above. Here are some suggestions to help you prepare yourself for the celebration of Mass in your home.

Before Mass Begins:

  • Set up a home altar or prayer space with a cross, icons or sacred art, and the Bible.
  • Light a candle.
  • Take a few minutes before Mass begins to gather your thoughts and prepare at least one intention to bring to the Lord.
  • Finish enjoying your coffee or snacks before mass begins or wait until after the mass has concluded.

During Mass

  • Actively participate: sit, kneel, stand and respond, as though you were in church.
  • Please refrain from eating and drinking during the Mass. Enjoy your coffee or snacks before or afterwards.
  • Recite the Spiritual Communion prayer after communion

    • While we are physically separated from the Mass and the Eucharist, the Church encourages us to make a spiritual communion. By reciting this prayer, we manifest our love for the Eucharist and participate in the communion of saints, bringing great spiritual benefit for ourselves and enrichment for the entire Church.

    • Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. 
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. 
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. 
Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. 


Confession Schedule

For those in the vicinity of the Retreat Center, confessions will be offered on Sunday during the lunch break and after the closing mass, by appointment.

The Sacrament will be conducted in a manner which upholds the dignity of the sacrament, honors the social distancing commitments recommended by the Church and local authoritites, and is consistent with practices currently approved by the Archdiocese of Washington.

If you wish to come at another time to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please contact Fr. Peter to schedule an appointment: Call or Text To Schedule: ‭(914) 844-3531‬

We are located at: 7007 Bradley Blvd, Bethesda, MD 20817

Confessions will available in English and Spanish.

Technical Orientation Video

3TGM Tech Video Final

Tech Manager

Call or text me if you have any questions or technical problems:

Cris (‭703) 475-3363

Cris Headshot Holyland 1
Cris Tallent

We Need Your Help