A service/social event for men! This is a meaningful way to support the Retreat Center and have some fun along the way.
Regular S&S Weekends
Roll up your sleeves and join the crew to tackle some improvement projects around the Retreat Center! Help us make Our Lady of Bethesda shine!
Gentlemen who are interested are asked to register so that we can properly prepare.
Upcoming Dates:
- Sep 20-21, 2024 SIGN-UP
Cost: Sweat Equity (donations are gratefully accepted.)
If you need more information, please contact: Charlie McCullough.
[email protected] or Call: 703-969-2930
Friday night:
- Prepare and enjoy dinner together.
- Get inspired by a talk from one of our awesome priests (that’s the SPIRIT part!)
- Socialize and relax after dinner (that’s the SPIRITs part!)
- Confessions will be available during the evening.
- Overnight accommodations will be provided.
This is the SERVICE part!
- The work begins after Mass and breakfast.
- There are plenty of projects to last the day, but we appreciate whatever time you can give us.
SUPER S&S Retreat Weekend
Join us for a special weekend retreat for men that will highlight effective ways to balance work and prayer in your life.
Upcoming Dates:
- Oct 25-27 Sign-Up
Cost: Sweat Equity This event is free to attend, we ask only your participation in the weekend projects that will help us make Our Lady of Bethesda shine. Please register so that we can properly prepare.
Need more info? Contact: Charlie McCullough 703-969-2930
[email protected]
Learn More...
With hands on experience of both, we invite you to be encouraged by the inspirational preaching of one of our premier retreat masters and participate in critical improvement projects at the Retreat Center; plus, enjoy lively fellowship with some great guys! This event is free to attend, we ask only your participation in the weekend projects that will help us make Our Lady of Bethesda shine.
Please note: this will not be a silent retreat.
(Subject to change.)
6:00 pm Arrival
6:30 Mass
7:00 Dinner
8:00 Talk
9:30 Dessert -- retire to fire-pit for group discussion about the talk.
7:00 am Rise
7:15 Talk
8:00 Mass
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Work Session
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 Work Session
5:30 Break
6:00 Dinner
7:00 Talk
8:00 Holy Hour
9:00 Retire to fire pit for group discussion about the day.
8:00 am Rise
8:15 Morning Prayer
8:30 breakfast
9:00 Talk
10:00 Talk
11:00 Mass
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Dismissal