Welcome to the November 2021 Mini-Retreat!
It's nice to see you, even virtually!
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we tackle problems with our heating system at OLB. We were so happy to have you back in person last month! Hopefully, this current setback will be short-lived and we can go back to normal soon. Until then, your flexibility is greatly appreciated.
Enjoy your Mini-Retreat!
Tips for finding silence.
- Create a spot in your home where you can be away from any other activity. Here are some ideas for Creating a Prayer Corner in your home.
- Discuss with other family members your desire to spend this quiet time in prayer. If appropriate, invite them to join you on this journey.
- Plan your mealtimes to allow you to continue your prayer time. Make something ahead of time, or make the task of preparing the meal a prayer itself.
Technical preparations
- If you don't have ZOOM installed on your computer, download the app and try to familiarize yourself with the controls.
- Watch the Pre-Retreat Technical Orientation Video.
Virtual Retreat Etiquette and Suggestions for Success
Watching a retreat from home is a new experience for many of us. Here are some suggestions, requests and reminders to help us all stay focused:
- Troubleshoot your ZOOM connection early
Make sure you have the most recent ZOOM download. Even if you are a pro at video conferencing, it never hurts to double-check your settings and make sure your audio and camera are correctly configured.
If you are new to ZOOM, please familiarize yourself with the controls and options of your version. We have prepared a short “Tech Orientation Video” to help walk you through some common problems; please take the time to review this video. After all of this, if you still have questions or concerns, please contact the Tech Manager assigned to your retreat.
- Please keep your camera on during the retreat
Your camera will be turned on upon entering the ZOOM meeting room. It is helpful to our priests and other speakers for everyone’s video to remain on during each talk. Presenting a talk to an empty room can be difficult for anyone, even our priests! They have requested that your camera remain on because having the ability to see your responses and body language while they are preaching encourages them as they strive to be instruments of the Holy Spirit. Of course, if you prefer the privacy, you may turn your camera off.
- Eliminate distractions from your computer to help you focus on the retreat
Notifications from messaging applications, ringtones, and applications running on your desktop can be distracting to you, which can make your speaker feel disrespected and undervalued. Mitigating these distractions helps keep you focused on the content.
- Remember: we can see you
As mentioned above, we are asking everyone to leave their cameras on. To avoid becoming a distraction for the speaker and other participants, please try to attend the retreat from a quiet area that has minimal background noise and movement.
- Maintaining common courtesies
Though this may seem obvious, video conferencing is just like an in-person interaction, therefore it is important to use the same courtesy you would use if you were in the same room. This includes being on time, paying attention to the speaker, minimizing multitasking and background noises, and refraining from interrupting.
{Please Note: Times are Eastern Standard Time.}
Evening Mini-Retreat 7:00-7:30 pm Meditation 7:30-7:45 pm Personal Reflection 7:45-8:15 pm Practical Talk |
Morning Mini-Retreat 9:30-10:00 am Meditation 10:00-10:15 Personal Reflection 10:14-10:45 Practical Talk |
Here are the ZOOM Links for the Mini-Retreats:
Evening Mini-Retreat:
- Wednesday, November 17, 2021
- Zoom Meeting ID: 876 3480 5719
- Link to the PM Mini-Retreat
Password for Evening Retreat: Mini17
Morning Mini-Retreat:
- Thursday, November 18, 2021
- Zoom Meeting ID: 898 7070 6053
- Link to the AM Mini-Retreat
Password for Morning Retreat: Mini18
Having Problems? See "Help" section below
1. What do you HOPE for in this life?
2. In what or in whom do you place your HOPE to deliver those things?
3. Are you currently “Holding On, Patiently Enduring” in a difficult situation?
4. Can you hold your hands open in full trust that God is Good and will bring Good for you in your life--even if what you hope for is not manifested in the way in which you desire? If so, open your hands and offer all your hopes, dreams and self, to our Loving Lord now. Thank Him for being even more wise, loving and wonderful than even our greatest desires, hopes and dreams, because union with Him and His will is the greatest “thing” we could ever HOPE for!
5. What are renewed ways you can pass along your HOPE in a Good God and in the Good things to come to others?
Fr. Peter Hopkins, LC
Program Director/Chaplain
Fr. Peter was born in Syracuse, New York. He studied Liberal Arts at Thomas Aquinas College in California before entering the Legionaries of Christ in 1977. He completed his philosophical and theological studies in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the University of St. Thomas Aquinas. He has worked in Ireland and Mexico in the Catholic formation of youth and family. He was the founder and director of the Our Lady of Mt. Kisco Retreat & Family Center in New York. Fr. Peter is currently the Program Director and Chaplain at Our Lady of Bethesda. He was ordained by St. John Paul II along with his two younger brothers in St. Peter’s Basilica in 1991. He also has a sister who is a Nashville Dominican.
Melissa Overmyer
Melissa Overmyer is a dynamic evangelist, author, speaker and lover of chocolate. She is a convert to Catholicism and founder of Something Greater Ministries. The story of her conversion can be read in her first book Metamorphosis of a Soul. Her second book, Born to Soar, Unleashing God's Word in Your Life, is a Scripture based Lectio Divina Prayer Journal which draws spiritual insights from the miraculous life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly. Her latest book, From Worry to Wonder, A Catholic Guide to Finding Peace Through Scripture from Ascension Press, will be out by end of 2021. Melissa has been teaching Scripture for over thirty years and is the founder of the Georgetown Women's Bible Study, an interdenominational women's study group. You can find scripture-based teaching videos, rosary videos for any day of the week, and encouraging words at her web sight: MelissaOvermyer.com, on her FaceBook page and You Tube. Log on and sign up for the free weekly encouraging email with links to all. Melissa lives in Washington DC with her husband, has four wonderful daughters and a menagerie of pets. She is engaged in study at the Augustine Institute in Denver, Co. where she is getting her Masters in Catholic Theology with a Concentration in Sacred Scripture.
Pre-Retreat Technical Orientation Video -------------->
On the right side of this page you will find the Pre-Retreat Technical Orientation Video. Please plan to watch this short video to introduce youself to the Zoom platform prior to the beginning of the retreat.
If you DO NOT already have ZOOM on your computer...
You will need to download it to attend the retreat remotely. Please follow the link below to download Zoom Client for Meetings. This version is completely free.
Troubleshooting ZOOM on various devices.
Here are links to some other videos to help troubleshoot problems and questions related to different devices.
- "How to Join Zoom Video Conference Using Your Phone" Click here
- "Using Zoom on Your iPhone or iPad" Click here
Should you have any questions or issues with the Zoom process or links
please contact the Tech Manager via phone call or text.
See the side bar to the right for contact information. --->