Thank you for your registration, SPEX-SPANISH, 041720

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Thank you for submitting your registration for
Virtual Spiritual Exercises, SPANISH

 April 17-19, 2020! 

In a moment you will receive a confirmation email with more information. Please check the spam/junk folder if it does not appear.

A webpage has been set up exclusively for this retreat, containing the schedule, materials, and ZOOM links to remotely attend this program.

,Go to Virtual Retreat Webpage

If you are new to ZOOM

In order to join the on-line programming, you will need to download Zoom Client for Meetings. This version is completely free and can be downloaded by clicking the button below:

Zoom 500 X281

,Go to ZOOM to Download ZOOM Client for Meetings

Can you help us with a Donation?
During this time of extraordinary shut down any contributions that you can make to OLB will help us over the hump, and a monthly recurring offering to stabilize our finances would be especially helpful.  Regardless of the amount, your donations can make a difference in the retreat center’s making it through this temporary downturn. 

Support Fr. Daniel!