Confessional Construction 2020

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The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an essential aspect of every Catholic’s walk with Christ, and some of the most beautiful moments for many who attend our spiritual retreats and marriage programs. For years, Our Lady of Bethesda’s chapel has had only one confessional, leading to a long line of penitents or requiring us to create makeshift confessionals in offices and hallways throughout the building. Now, we are happy to announce that we can accommodate three priests hearing confessions simultaneously in our chapel!


Work began in January of 2020 to build 2 additional confessionals in the chapel at OLB. The alcove that formerly housed the organ and bookcases, has been transformed into spaces for the transmission of grace and forgiveness!


We are grateful to the Spirit(S) & Service Crew and Carl and Charlene Unterkofler and Suntastic Decks and Home Improvements for making this dream a reality!