Retreats for Women

We offer silent retreats for women that focus on the Gospels and the fullness of the Catholic faith, opening the soul to the transforming power of grace. Preached by Legionary of Christ priests, many of our retreats are based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The general format of these retreats is comprised of guided meditations, private reflection, Mass, opportunities for confession and spiritual direction.

These retreats can help anyone to focus on important aspects of growth in the spiritual life, such as deeper self-knowledge, discernment of God’s will, and finding a way to follow Christ  more closely.

I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting Him encounter them. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord.

Pope Francis
Pope Francis

Experience the essentials of the Spiritual Exercises in this intense weekend experience.

If you have never been on a silent retreat or if this is your first time doing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, we recommend this classic weekend experience. 

Great for first-timers and those whose busy schedules won’t allow more than a weekend, this version is designed to walk you through the dynamics of the exercises with several guided meditations and conferences, as well as time for personal prayer. It's perfect for those who are learning to incorporate the program of life and a daily prayer routine into daily living. 



  • Jul 20-21, 2024 | Register
    • 24 Hours With Christ (Saturday-Sunday)
      •  Sat, 4:30pm ~ Sun, 5:00pm
      • Cost: $159 until Jul 12, after that $209
  • October 4-6, 2024  | Register
    • Fall Retreat for Women (Fri-Sun)
    • Cost: $318 until Sep 27, after that $368
  • December 6-8, 2024  | Register
    • Advent Retreat for Women (Fri-Sun)
    • Cost: $318 until Nov 29, after that $368



Our Weekend Retreats are conducted in silence and include generous amounts of time for prayer, personal reflection and the cultivation of a deep relationship with God. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What should I bring?
    OLB will provide you with overnight accomodations, including linens, towels, retreat materials, and more. 
  • Do you really think I can be silent?
    “Let us not be afraid to be silent outside and inside ourselves, so that we are able not only to perceive God’s voice, but also the voice of the person next to us, the voices of others."  (Pope Benedict XVI, July 4, 2010.) 
    Silence does not equal boredom! It is one of the key elements to the success of any retreat. God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts and so it is necessary to maintain an external and internal silence.  Here are some tips to help you prepare and maintain silence during your retreat: Don’t bring any mobile or electronic devices, such as smart phones, laptops, etc. If absolutely necessary to have your phone, switch it to off or set it in airplane mode. Put all “pendings” and “to do” items in God’s hands…if you take care of His things, He’ll take care of yours!
  • Can I bring my infant?
    We love infants and small children, however they can be a distraction to you and others who are trying to focus during a silent retreat.  In order to keep the spirit of silence and prayer, we cannot accomodate infants or small children on our silent retreats.  Thank you for your understanding.


Typical Schedule Retreat:
(May change based on Retreat Master's advice.)

Day 1

  • 4:30 pm   Arrival, Check-in
  • 5:30    Welcome Reception / Dinner
  • 6:45-7:15 Introductory Conference
  • 7:15-7:30 Prepare for Mass 
  • 7:30-8:15 Mass
  • 8:15-8:30  Personal Time
  • 8:30-9:30 Meditation 

Day 2 (and Day 3 for Thursday-Sunday Retreats)

  • 7:15-7:30 am Morning Prayer 
  • 7:30 -8:00      Breakfast
  • 8:00 - 8:15     Personal Time
  • 8:15–9:15     Meditation
  • 9:15 - 9:45     Personal Time
  • 9:45 - 10:45    Conference
  • 10:45-11:00    Personal Time
  • 11:00-12:00 pm  Meditation
  • 12:00-12:35     Angelus & Lunch
  • 12:45-2:00       Free time
  • 2:00-3:00         Meditation 
  • 3:00-3:15         Personal Time
  • 3:15-4:00        Way of the Cross
  • 4:15-5:00        Mass
  • 5:00–5:15       Free Time
  • 5:15-6:00        Dinner
  • 6:00- 6:15       Free Time      
  • 6:15-7:15       Meditation
  • 7:15-7:45       Free Time
  • 7:45-8:30       Meditation
  • 8:30-9:30       Holy Hour / Confessions
  • 9:20-9:30       Benediction

Final Day

  • 6:50-7:00 am        Morning Offering
  • 7:00-7:30         Breakfast
  • 7:30 -7:45        Personal Time
  • 7:45- 8:45        Meditation 
  • 8:45 -9:00        Personal Time
  • 9:00- 9:30        Conference
  • 9:30- 10:15      Work on Program of Life
  • 10:15-11:15     Meditation
  • 11:15-12:00pm Program of Life/Personal Time
  • 12:00-12:50      Mass
  • 1:00                  Lunch and conclusion in dining room, depart after lunch

24hwc No Date InstaSpend 24 Hours With Christ!

Experience the essentials of the Spiritual Exercises in this abbreviated one-night retreat!

The perfect retreat for the busy woman!

This one-night retreat for Women is based on the Spiritual Exercises and is designed to provide a rejuvenating experience with a more convenient schedule. Our retreat is the perfect opportunity to take a break from the daily grind and focus on spiritual reflection and growth. 

Upcoming Dates

  • Jul 20-21 2024 | Register
    (Early-Bird Deadline: Jul 12)

  • Nov 2-3, 2024 | Register
    (Early-Bird Deadline: Oct 25)


  • Arrival: Saturday, 4:30pm
  • Departure: Sunday, 5:30pm

Cost:  $159 per person, if registered by Early-Bird date.

Great for first-timers and those whose busy schedules won’t allow more than a weekend, this version is designed to walk you through the dynamics of the exercises with several guided meditations and conferences, as well as time for personal prayer. It's perfect for those who are learning to incorporate the program of life and a daily prayer routine into daily living. 

The 2025 Week-Long Spiritual Exercises

Mark Your Calendars!

Thursday, July 10-Thursday, 17, 2025 


Enjoy six full days of prayer!

  • Preacher: Fr. Owen Kearns, LC.
  • Retreat and silence begin after dinner at 5:30 pm on arrival day.
  • Departure after breakfast the morning of departure day.
  • Registration fee includes single bedroom, meals, retreat booklet & material.)

This format is worth the investment! You will have a hard time settling for anything less once you have experienced the intimacy and familiarity with God that comes from spending an entire week devoted to speaking and listening to Him. 





  • Daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration
  • Each day, the retreat master will be available to attend the retreatants in colloquy or dialogue. The purpose of this dialogue is to help the retreatant perceive the motions of the Holy Spirit during the week and follow His lead.
  • Confession is always available and encouraged, as well as meeting in a spiritual direction. 


Day 1: 

  • 5:00pm     Arrival
  • 5:30          Dinner
  • 7:00          Introductory Conference                            
  • 8:00          Eucharistic Celebration                     
  • 8:45          Exposition & Adoration
  • 9:15          Night Prayers, Benediction   

Departure Day:

  • 7:30am   Mass
  • 8:15        Breakfast
  • 9:15        Departure  


Retreat Director: Fr. Owen Kearns, LC 



Need some time away? Sometimes you just need a little personal time away from the world. Or, maybe a weekend retreat just won't fit your schedule.

Well, we have the perfect thing for you! Click below to find more information about our Personal Retreat Days and upcoming dates!

 Go To Private Retreats page

Monthly Mini-Retreats for Women are offered twice each month. Evening and morning retreats can accomodate every woman's schedule


Click here to find more information and upcoming dates!

Information about Regnum Christi and upcoming Renewal Retreats can be found at the link below.

     Learn about Regnum Christi   

19th Ann Webcanva Banner

Living the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life Retreat
(AKA: the 19th annotation) 

In-Person and On-Line Options!

Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center now offers the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola as a nine-twelve month retreat in your daily life.

The 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and renewal. St. Ignatius envisioned that the Spiritual Exercises could be done in a variety of formats, depending upon one’s state in life and availability of time. The "Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life" is based on his 19th introductory note in the text of the Spiritual Exercises, where he explains that a person can make the Spiritual Exercises in their daily life amid their ordinary occupations.

Applications will be accepted and interviews conducted on a rolling basis, so we encourage you to apply soon so that we can get you started.


Learn More Now