April 17, 2020
Dear Friends,
“The Lord has truly been raised…!” These words of profound joy and hope from the first followers of Christ continue to resound in the Church this Easter season. In the face of the fear and uncertainty weighing heavily on minds and hearts at this time, we must turn to Christ and draw from Him new life. Christ’s unfailing love and mercy must continue to be proclaimed to the world.
Confronted with the effects of the coronavirus, we at Our Lady of Bethesda cannot welcome guests on our campus. We have had to forgo not only our normal in-person program offerings, but also the rental of our facilities to outside groups. Obviously, that has had significant impact on our ability to serve our clients, pay our salaried and hourly workers, and keep up with bills.
Would you be willing to give? …to help us double our $20,000 match by Tuesday, April 21?
Today, I was contacted by some generous benefactors who have pledged to match up to $20,000 during this Easter Season. This is literally a God-send. We need your help to turn $20,000 into $40,000 to help us stay resurrected through this season.
Your donation will automatically double!
Thanks to the love, zeal, commitment, and hard work of our team, we managed to pivot very quickly in order to BE THERE for you and our community, offering spiritual solace, regular Confession times, and the peace of Christ in a time of high anxiety. We have transitioned to virtual retreats, striving to maintain our program offerings with the same quality, without interruption. Because of your generous support, we have been able to serve more than 500 people through our virtual weekend Ignatian Retreats and weekday Mini-Retreats and Evenings of Reflection. We will continue these virtual offerings next month – plus, we will add a virtual option of our popular Three to Get Married marriage preparation program.
Your continued support today will help us keep the “virtual” doors open while meeting our financial obligations. Your contribution today will double to help even more people grow in their love and understanding of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for helping us bring others closer to Christ
Just as Christ’s merciful love has brought victory over death, we at OLB have endeavored to follow the Master and draw good from challenging circumstances and bring “new life” where we can at this time.
Thank you for your continued generosity and helping us bring others to a deeper encounter with Christ during this Easter season. Count on our prayers from the OLB staff for you and your loved ones.
Katie Lundstrom,
Executive Director